We understand the additional strain and stress we are all going through at present. Our clients are being extremely wonderful and supportive of the extra measure we have implemented. The measures are there to ensure both our clients and staff are kept as safe as possible while we ensure all our fur-babies get the much needed essential services they need to maintain their health and comfort. - We are able to work around covid19, please phone to discuss.
We are more than happy to offer a concierge service - a-to-the-car concierge service as a collect and return option. This will greatly minimise any contact while still allowing your pet to receive their much needed regular grooming.
All you need to do is phone the Day Spa when you are out the front or Text us an SMS and we will come out to you.
We hope by offering this option, we will be able to continue our business and ensure our staff have paid hours for work.
We understand that emergencies and other unforeseen circumstances may arise. However, a small cancellation fee ensures that you don't feel bad about inconveniencing our schedule.
By booking an appointment, customers are reserving our staff’s time and determining a portion of our income for that day. Just as your time is important to you, our time is also important to us. Cancellations with little or no notice, costs us money as our staff still need to be paid.
We are a small family business trying to make a living, just like you!
We understand that emergencies and other unforeseen circumstances may arise. However, we must charge a cancellation fee to help cover the loss of income and to contribute towards staff wages. We will respect your privacy and will not ask you to explain your reasons for canceling or rescheduling an appointment.
We expect that all of our customers will do their best to remember their appointments and to plan well in advance of any changes that may need to be made. No-shows, however, are an expense to our business. If we experience repeat no-shows (more than twice), we will now be required to ask for prepayment over the phone when bookings are made.
We know that it can be easy to forget appointments, especially with busy schedules. We want to help you remember your appointments, so we offer the following:
We understand that emergencies and other unforeseen circumstances may arise. However, a small cancellation fee ensures that you don't feel bad about inconveniencing our schedule.
By booking an appointment, customers are reserving our staff’s time and determining a portion of our income for that day. Just as your time is important to you, our time is also important to us. Cancellations with little or no notice, costs us money as our staff still need to be paid.
We are a small family business trying to make a living, just like you!